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August 27-30, 2024

XI International Forum

of Technological Development


TECHNOPROM starts in


Novosibirsk, Expocentre

Major Technology Event in Russia

«Technoprom has become an effective platform for discussing the issues of scientific and technological development of Russia, a center of attraction for bright and talented eductators, scientists, experts from different regions of Russia and abroad.»

Dmitriy Chernyshenko

Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the preparation and holding of Technoprom-2023

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Forum agenda: Technology independence and sustainable development of Russia

The purpose of the forum is to assist in ensuring technological independence, sustainable economic and social development of the Russian Federation by increasing technological security, developing national scientific and industrial infrastructure.

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III National Forum
for Technology Transfer
XVII Siberian
Venture Fair
Science Film Festival "Si"


XI International Technology Development Forum TECHNOPROM
Cutting-Edge Engineering Schools
Corporate Universities Club


The Forum was targeted to efforts consolidation of authorities, scientific, educational and business communities for accelerating scientific and technological development and prompt implementation of scientific and technological achievements.


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Retention of the scientific and technological leadership of the country under the new conditions, updating the existing national scientific and technological agenda


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The agenda of the forum was focused on the problems of global challenges affecting the interests of all countries of the world, including Russia. The race for technology leadership will be won by the one who has the scientific building blocks for the new era and the one who is ready for the technology of transformation in the new social and technology reality. Science becomes a force influencing all spheres of society.

“... The viability of entire peoples, entire societies and states, the position of countries in the world, especially such large states as ours, as Russia, depend on advanced technologies, their effective development and rapid implementation. Therefore, we have put the scientific and technology breakthrough among the key national goals and priorities. And I am convinced that we are able to accomplish it by combining the efforts of the state, business, the academic community, expanding the freedom for initiative and creativity of our people ... ", President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin (quote from a speech at the Plenary meeting of the Technoprom forum-2018").

The mission of the forum is to create conceptual ideas and develop practical recommendations for transforming the future into the present through a technology breakthrough and adaptation to a new reality.

Purpose: to facilitate Russia's technology leadership by deepening national and international cooperation in the field of science and high technology.


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As part of the Address to the Federal Assembly on March 1, 2018, the President of the Russian Federation identified the "technology breakthrough" as a priority task for the country's development up to 2024:
“The pace of technology change is accelerating rapidly, going up sharply. Whoever uses this technology wave will go far ahead. Those who cannot do this, will simply be overwhelmed, drowned by this wave.
How effectively we will be able to use the colossal opportunities of the technological revolution, how we will respond to its challenge, depends only on us. And in this sense, the coming years will be decisive for the future of the country. I emphasize this: no less than decisive.

In the conditions of a “perfect storm” technology wave, the competitiveness of national science, its efficiency and orientation towards overcoming big challenges are of key importance for the breakthrough development of the country. It is these factors that define "science as an industry".
The forum participants discussed the main tasks and priority areas for the development and widespread implementation of advanced digital, intelligent production technology, robotic systems (mechatronic and robotic technologies), Big Data systems, machine learning and artificial intelligence, as well as genetic technology, electron-beam technology, nature-like technology.
A special agenda of the forum was the discussion of the draft plan for the development of the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok as a territory with a high concentration of research and development, a regional projection of the new "science as an industry"approach .



Technoprom-2017: New Industrial Revolution: Finding the Future

The mission of the forum is to facilitate the technology leadership of the Russian economy.
The purpose of the forum is to develop proposals for increasing the competitiveness of the Russian economy in the context of a new industrial revolution.

An important topic of the forum was the diversification of the activities of enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex, that is, the production of not only defense-related, but also civilian products that are competitive both on the domestic and global markets. Consideration of the problems of reindustrialization of the Russian economy at the regional level was announced as one of the most significant problems of plenary sessions.

An important result of the forum is the strengthening of mutually beneficial contacts on scientific and technical cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of India, which happened due to the participation of a high-level Indian delegation and the discussion of promising areas of cooperation in both the defense and civil fields, using the potential of the new industrial revolution.



The main topic was scientific and technology support for solving the strategic tasks of the Russian Federation in the Arctic. The forum hosted a discussion of the main directions for long-term development in the national science and technology sphere.
The purpose of the forum is to develop proposals for scientific and technology support for solving the strategic tasks of the Russian Federation in the Arctic zone by forming strategic communications between representatives of government, science, business, technology entrepreneurship, development institutions and the expert community.
The forum was attended by Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Dmitriy Rogozin, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President in the Siberian Federal District Nikolay Rogozhkin, Governor of the Novosibirsk Region Vladimir Gorodetskiy, Chairman of the Presidium of the Expert Council under the Board of the Military Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation Mikhail Remizov, President of the International Public Organization "Association of Polar Explorers" Artur Chilingarov, leading Russian scientists, representatives of the business community, as well as First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Aleksandr Zhukov



Technoprom-2015: Energy of a technology breakthrough

The forum once again proved its status of a key federal event dedicated to the country's innovative development.

A significant event at Technoprom-2015 was the lecture on LEDs by the Nobel Prize winner in physics from Japan, Professor Amano Hiroshi. At his press conference, the scientist said that he was interested in moving to Russia and working in scientific organizations in Novosibirsk.

One of the main participants of the forum was Dmitriy Rogozin, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, who made a number of important statements. The Deputy Prime Minister called technological development for Russia "a matter of survival in the modern world." Also, Dmitriy Rogozin proposed to make the development of the Arctic the theme of Technoprom-2016. And invite all the governors of polar regions to find the necessary solutions for the development of the Arctic.

More than 70 developments by nearly 20 scientific institutes of the SB RAS in various fields were presented at the exposition. Among them are biotechnology, medical technology, photonics, additive technology, metalworking and others.
Almost 50 advanced high-tech developments were presented at the Siberian Venture Fair, which took place during the forum. Representatives of foreign companies – enterprises from Thailand and Indonesia also presented their developments.



The total number of forum participants exceeded 4,500 people from more than 60 Russian regions (including Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Republic of Tatarstan, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Tomsk region and other constituent entities of the Russian Federation).
In 2014, the forum was attended by 42 foreign experts from 22 countries of the world, including the leading countries of the global innovation system, the United States of America, Great Britain, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Finland, China and others.
Representatives of state authorities of the Russian Federation took an active part in the work of the forum: Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D. O. Rogozin, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District N. E. Rogozhkin.



The main agenda of the first forum was devoted to the transition of the global economy to a new technological paradigm (“the sixth technological paradigm”).

The event was attended by representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, major development institutions, state companies and corporations. As well as leading Russian and foreign scientists, managers and specialists from high-tech enterprises.

The main results of Technoprom-2013 were:
- signing of cooperation agreements with the participation of manufacturers, development institutions, higher educational institutions and government officials;
- proposals on priority measures to achieve the global technology leadership for the Russian economy;
- a list of system projects (prepared by the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) aimed at the development of high technology;
- conclusion of commercial transactions for the sale of technological solutions to large businesses (projects developed in business incubators and technology parks).



The Forum was targeted to efforts consolidation of authorities, scientific, educational and business communities for accelerating scientific and technological development and prompt implementation of scientific and technological achievements.

Retention of the scientific and technological leadership of the country under the new conditions, updating the existing national scientific and technological agenda


Photo archive

The agenda of the forum was focused on the problems of global challenges affecting the interests of all countries of the world, including Russia. The race for technology leadership will be won by the one who has the scientific building blocks for the new era and the one who is ready for the technology of transformation in the new social and technology reality. Science becomes a force influencing all spheres of society.

“... The viability of entire peoples, entire societies and states, the position of countries in the world, especially such large states as ours, as Russia, depend on advanced technologies, their effective development and rapid implementation. Therefore, we have put the scientific and technology breakthrough among the key national goals and priorities. And I am convinced that we are able to accomplish it by combining the efforts of the state, business, the academic community, expanding the freedom for initiative and creativity of our people ... ", President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin (quote from a speech at the Plenary meeting of the Technoprom forum-2018").

The mission of the forum is to create conceptual ideas and develop practical recommendations for transforming the future into the present through a technology breakthrough and adaptation to a new reality.

Purpose: to facilitate Russia's technology leadership by deepening national and international cooperation in the field of science and high technology.


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As part of the Address to the Federal Assembly on March 1, 2018, the President of the Russian Federation identified the "technology breakthrough" as a priority task for the country's development up to 2024:
“The pace of technology change is accelerating rapidly, going up sharply. Whoever uses this technology wave will go far ahead. Those who cannot do this, will simply be overwhelmed, drowned by this wave.
How effectively we will be able to use the colossal opportunities of the technological revolution, how we will respond to its challenge, depends only on us. And in this sense, the coming years will be decisive for the future of the country. I emphasize this: no less than decisive.

In the conditions of a “perfect storm” technology wave, the competitiveness of national science, its efficiency and orientation towards overcoming big challenges are of key importance for the breakthrough development of the country. It is these factors that define "science as an industry".
The forum participants discussed the main tasks and priority areas for the development and widespread implementation of advanced digital, intelligent production technology, robotic systems (mechatronic and robotic technologies), Big Data systems, machine learning and artificial intelligence, as well as genetic technology, electron-beam technology, nature-like technology.
A special agenda of the forum was the discussion of the draft plan for the development of the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok as a territory with a high concentration of research and development, a regional projection of the new "science as an industry"approach .



Technoprom-2017: New Industrial Revolution: Finding the Future

The mission of the forum is to facilitate the technology leadership of the Russian economy.
The purpose of the forum is to develop proposals for increasing the competitiveness of the Russian economy in the context of a new industrial revolution.

An important topic of the forum was the diversification of the activities of enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex, that is, the production of not only defense-related, but also civilian products that are competitive both on the domestic and global markets. Consideration of the problems of reindustrialization of the Russian economy at the regional level was announced as one of the most significant problems of plenary sessions.

An important result of the forum is the strengthening of mutually beneficial contacts on scientific and technical cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of India, which happened due to the participation of a high-level Indian delegation and the discussion of promising areas of cooperation in both the defense and civil fields, using the potential of the new industrial revolution.



The main topic was scientific and technology support for solving the strategic tasks of the Russian Federation in the Arctic. The forum hosted a discussion of the main directions for long-term development in the national science and technology sphere.
The purpose of the forum is to develop proposals for scientific and technology support for solving the strategic tasks of the Russian Federation in the Arctic zone by forming strategic communications between representatives of government, science, business, technology entrepreneurship, development institutions and the expert community.
The forum was attended by Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Dmitriy Rogozin, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President in the Siberian Federal District Nikolay Rogozhkin, Governor of the Novosibirsk Region Vladimir Gorodetskiy, Chairman of the Presidium of the Expert Council under the Board of the Military Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation Mikhail Remizov, President of the International Public Organization "Association of Polar Explorers" Artur Chilingarov, leading Russian scientists, representatives of the business community, as well as First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Aleksandr Zhukov



Technoprom-2015: Energy of a technology breakthrough

The forum once again proved its status of a key federal event dedicated to the country's innovative development.

A significant event at Technoprom-2015 was the lecture on LEDs by the Nobel Prize winner in physics from Japan, Professor Amano Hiroshi. At his press conference, the scientist said that he was interested in moving to Russia and working in scientific organizations in Novosibirsk.

One of the main participants of the forum was Dmitriy Rogozin, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, who made a number of important statements. The Deputy Prime Minister called technological development for Russia "a matter of survival in the modern world." Also, Dmitriy Rogozin proposed to make the development of the Arctic the theme of Technoprom-2016. And invite all the governors of polar regions to find the necessary solutions for the development of the Arctic.

More than 70 developments by nearly 20 scientific institutes of the SB RAS in various fields were presented at the exposition. Among them are biotechnology, medical technology, photonics, additive technology, metalworking and others.
Almost 50 advanced high-tech developments were presented at the Siberian Venture Fair, which took place during the forum. Representatives of foreign companies – enterprises from Thailand and Indonesia also presented their developments.



The total number of forum participants exceeded 4,500 people from more than 60 Russian regions (including Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Republic of Tatarstan, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Tomsk region and other constituent entities of the Russian Federation).
In 2014, the forum was attended by 42 foreign experts from 22 countries of the world, including the leading countries of the global innovation system, the United States of America, Great Britain, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Finland, China and others.
Representatives of state authorities of the Russian Federation took an active part in the work of the forum: Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D. O. Rogozin, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District N. E. Rogozhkin.



The main agenda of the first forum was devoted to the transition of the global economy to a new technological paradigm (“the sixth technological paradigm”).

The event was attended by representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, major development institutions, state companies and corporations. As well as leading Russian and foreign scientists, managers and specialists from high-tech enterprises.

The main results of Technoprom-2013 were:
- signing of cooperation agreements with the participation of manufacturers, development institutions, higher educational institutions and government officials;
- proposals on priority measures to achieve the global technology leadership for the Russian economy;
- a list of system projects (prepared by the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) aimed at the development of high technology;
- conclusion of commercial transactions for the sale of technological solutions to large businesses (projects developed in business incubators and technology parks).





Shanghai Cooperation Organization
Eurasian Economic Union



Heads and representatives of federal government bodies, constituent entities of the Russian Federation

State corporations, industrial enterprises, holdings

Venture investors and technology entrepreneurs

Educational and research organizations

Development institutions in the field of science, technology and innovation

Researchers, scientists, engineers, developers, inventors

Educators, graduate students, students

Academgorodoks, science cities, special economic zones, territories of advanced social and economic development

Subjects of scientific, technology and innovation infrastructure: centers for collective use, engineering centers, prototyping centers, technology transfer centers, technology parks, clusters

Contact the organizers


Аккредитация СМИ:

Приветствие Губернатора Новосибирской области А.А. Травникова участникам XI Международного форума технологического развития «Технопром-2024»

    Уважаемые участники и гости форума! Дорогие друзья!


    ТЕХНОПРОМ проводится в Новосибирской области с 2013 года и ежегодно укрепляет статус крупнейшего технологического мероприятия России международного уровня. На этом форуме обсуждают — и, самое главное, решают, — вопросы формирования и реализации научно-технологических и инновационных программ и проектов, определяющих будущее нашей страны.

    11-й ТЕХНОПРОМ продолжит выработку стратегических решений для достижения технологического суверенитета российской экономики и усиления роли науки и технологий в решении важнейших задач развития общества и страны.

    Главная задача ТЕХНОПРОМА — максимально охватить все вопросы и проблемы научно-технологического развития Российской Федерации с учетом имеющихся и прогнозируемых вызовов. Научный прогресс во всех отраслях увеличивает перспективы эффективного взаимодействия между регионами России и представителями иностранных государств.

    Мы ожидаем максимальную вовлеченность российских регионов в процесс формирования новой экономической действительности через призму науки, исследований и разработок.  Уверен, что площадка ТЕХНОПРОМА-2024 станет важным масштабным межотраслевым событием и ускорит научно-технологическое развитие Российской Федерации.

    До встречи на 11-м Международном форуме технологического развития ТЕХНОПРОМ!